Handbook Integration

API Handbook Creation and Updates

imageProgrammatic handbook creation
imageGet ongoing updates with an easy API call
imageCreate new value and stickiness for your clients
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For Integrators

API Integration

Handbooks is an intuitive platform designed to help HR professionals create customized, compliant, and professional employee handbooks tailored to their clients' needs. Our handbook update service allows HR professionals to access updates per company and provide ongoing value for their customers.

The Employee Handbook Builder API allows partners to create, update, and manage employee handbooks programmatically. It provides endpoints for updating policies, customizing content, and automating handbook generation to align with organizational changes.

To access the API, you need to obtain an API key by signing up as a partner. Once approved, you will receive documentation detailing how to authenticate requests and interact with the API endpoints. To get started, you can schedule a call here.

  • Create new employee handbooks.
  • Update specific sections or policies within an existing handbook.
  • Customize content dynamically for different locations.
  • Retrieve the latest versions of handbooks as needed.

The handbooks can be generated in multiple formats, including PDF, HTML, and Word documents, depending on your needs. You can specify the format via the API request.

Yes, the API supports versioning, allowing you to track changes and manage multiple versions of the same handbook. You can retrieve the latest version or specify a previous version as needed.

The API is secured using HTTPS and supports token-based authentication to ensure data privacy and integrity. Additionally, sensitive content like employee data or handbook drafts is encrypted in transit and at rest.

Full API documentation, including endpoint details, request parameters, and code examples, is available in the partner portal. Once you are approved as a partner, you will receive access to this documentation.

Yes, the API is designed to be integrated with other HR platforms, allowing you to sync handbook updates with employee records, HR policies, and onboarding workflows.

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